La singularité technologique (ou simplement la Singularité) est un concept, selon lequel, à partir d'un point hypothétique de son évolution technologique, la civilisation humaine connaîtra une croissance technologique d'un ordre supérieur. Pour beaucoup, il est question d'intelligence artificielle, quelle que soit la méthode pour la créer. Au-delà de ce point, le progrès ne serait plus l’œuvre que d’intelligences artificielles, elles-mêmes en constante progression. Il induit des changements tels sur la société humaine que l’individu humain d’avant la singularité ne peut ni les appréhender ni les prédire de manière fiable.
La venue éventuelle et la date de la Singularité sont sujettes à débat, mais les futurologues et les transhumanistes l’attendent en général pour la troisième décennie du XXIe siècle, 2020-2030 environ.
Le terme Singularité appliqué à des machines intelligentes se réfère à l'idée que lorsque des machines intelligentes pourront concevoir des machines intelligentes, plus intelligentes qu'elles, cela provoquera une croissance exponentielle de l'intelligence des machines conduisant à une singularité de l'intelligence à l'infini (ou du moins immense).
Kurzweil characterizes evolution throughout all time as progressing through six epochs, each one building on the next. He says the four epochs which have occurred so far are Physics and Chemistry, Biology and DNA, Brains, and Technology. Kurzweil predicts the Singularity will coincide with the next epoch, The Merger of Human Technology with Human Intelligence. After the Singularity he says the final epoch will occur, The Universe Wakes Up.
The HBP est Projet qui se propose de simuler dans un super-ordinateur le cerveau humain dans sa totalite: aspects chimiques, biologiques, informations etc.
Le Human Brain Project, en français Projet cerveau humain, est un projet scientifique d'envergure qui vise d'ici à dix ans à simuler le fonctionnement du cerveau humain grâce à un superordinateur, et dont les résultats obtenus ont pour but de développer de nouvelles thérapies médicales plus efficaces sur les maladies neurologiques, qui affectent deux milliards de personnes à travers le monde.
Il est dirigé par une équipe de l'École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) — co-dirigé par l'université de Heidelberg, le Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois et l'université de Lausanne — en collaboration avec plus de 90 universités et hautes écoles réparties dans 22 pays différents1. Il rassemble des milliers de chercheurs ; des images du cerveau de volontaires effectuant des tâches précises seront réalisées.
Il a été choisi pour être l'un des deux FET Flagships (« projets phares ») de l'Union européenne2, soutenu financièrement à hauteur d'un milliard d'euros sur dix ans.
L'équipe a déjà annoncé avoir réussi à reproduire informatiquement une colonne corticale de rat et son activité neurale3 en 2008 dans le cadre du projet Blue Brain, sans que ce résultat ait donné lieu à une publication dans une revue à comité de lecture.
La Commission européenne a officiellement désigné le Human Brain Project (HBP) comme l'un de ses deux projets FET Flagship. Le HBP regroupera les scientifiques de tout le continent autour de l'un des plus grands défis de la science contemporaine: comprendre le cerveau humain.
Documentaires qui vont suivre ce projet jusqu'a l'atteinte du but final, la Simulation dans un ordinateur d'un Cerveau humain.
Aktuellement ils en sont a la 3eme annee.
World Brain
World Brain est un livre de l'ecrivain de science fiction britannique H.G. Wells ecris entre 1936 et 1938, qui contient des essais decrivant un "world brain" une sorte de cerceau artificiel contenant toutes les connaissances humaines.
Depuis 2002 Google s'est mis a scanner tous les livres contenus dans les bibliotheques du monde entier afin de creer, selon les voeux de son CEO Larry page, une superintelligence contenant les connaissances entieres de l'humanite.
It has been well-known for many years that the Google founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, are very interested in artificial intelligence. They have often talked about making Google Search artificially intelligent so that it understands exactly what information you're seeking. They've also speculated on interfacing all of the world's information directly to your brain.
Larry Page, October 2000 a écrit:
Artificial intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. The ultimate search engine that would understand everything on the Web. It would understand exactly what you wanted, and it would give you the right thing. We're nowhere near doing that now. However, we can get incrementally closer to that, and that is basically what we work on.
Larry Page, May 2002 (The Big Switch, page 212) a écrit:
Google will fulfill its mission only when its search engine is AI-complete. You guys know what that means? That's artificial intelligence.
The most ambitious project ever conceived on the Internet: Google's master plan to scan every book in the world and the people trying to stop them. Google say they are building a library for mankind, but they also have other intentions.
Afin de construire des machines qui fonctionnnent comme le cerveau humain, il faudrait comprendre comment le cerveau fonctionne, pour cela il faudrait au prealable developper une Theorie du fonctionnement du cerveau.
The memory-prediction framework is a theory of brain function created by Jeff Hawkins and described in his 2004 book On Intelligence. This theory concerns the role of the mammalian neocortex and its associations with the hippocampi and the thalamus in matching sensory inputs to stored memory patterns and how this process leads to predictions of what will happen in the future.
Course Description
In this course, you'll learn about some of the most widely used and successful machine learning techniques. You'll have the opportunity to implement these algorithms yourself, and gain practice with them. You will also learn some of practical hands-on tricks and techniques (rarely discussed in textbooks) that help get learning algorithms to work well. This is an "applied" machine learning class, and we emphasize the intuitions and know-how needed to get learning algorithms to work in practice, rather than the mathematical derivations.
Familiarity with programming, basic linear algebra (matrices, vectors, matrix-vector multiplication), and basic probability (random variables, basic properties of probability) is assumed. Basic calculus (derivatives and partial derivatives) would be helpful and would give you additional intuitions about the algorithms, but isn't required to fully complete this course.
Machine learning has seen numerous successes, but applying learning algorithms today often means spending a long time hand-engineering the input feature representation. This is true for many problems in vision, audio, NLP, robotics, and other areas. In this course, you'll learn about methods for unsupervised feature learning and deep learning, which automatically learn a good representation of the input from unlabeled data. You'll also pick up the "hands-on," practical skills and tricks-of-the-trade needed to get these algorithms to work well.
Basic knowledge of machine learning (supervised learning) is assumed, though we'll quickly review logistic regression and gradient descent.
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Numenta l'entreprise creee par Jeff Hawkins et chargee d'implementer sa Theorie de l'esprit, met le code de l'algorithm en Open-Source, vous pouvez telecharger le code l'etudier et l'utiliser pour vos propres recherches:
Posté le: Dim 06 Nov 2016 08:53 Sujet du message: DeepMind:intelligence artificielle la plus avancee du moment
Depuis mon dernier message sur le sujet, il s'est passe beaucoup de choses.
Malheureusement, je constate que le forum s'est pratiquement endormi, vraiment dommage une belle plattforme d'echange.
Une petite entreprise britannique specialisee dans l'intelligence artificielle, fondee en 2010 par Demis Hassabis est rachetee par Google en 2014.
Un evenement majeur dans la scene de recherche sur l'intelligence artificielle, car la combination des algorithmes innovatifs de cette petite entreprise britannique avec les ressources abondantes de google en infrastructures et en donnees entre autres, va changer la scene et l'idee que le monde se fait du role majeur que jouera l'intelligence artificielle dans nos societes dans un avenir tres proche.
On parle de la perte de plus de 60% des jobs bien remuneres en occident dans les prochaines annees.
Nous sommes donc tous concernes d'une maniere ou une autre.
DeepMind Important: ouvre toutes les connaissances de ses recherches, librement au monde entier.
voici un domaine ou l'afrique pourrait exceller, la recherche est libre d'acces sur internet, cette technologie va bouleverser le monde et le fait deja.
Je vous recommande de regarder les videos de Deepmind sur youtube, et de lire les articles sur leur recherche.
Un article sur les derniers progres tres importants de Google-Translate a traduire entre les langues, grace aux nouveaux algorithms de Deep-Learning, qui reduisent le taux d’erreurs jusqu’à 85% et les traductions seraient presque impossible a distinguer d’une traduction humaine
je vous recommende vivement cet article
Google-Translate: _________________ La vie est un privilege, elle ne vous doit rien!
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OpenAI is a non-profit artificial intelligence research company. Our mission is to build safe AI, and ensure AI's benefits are as widely and evenly distributed as possible.
We seek to broadcast our work to the world, whether as papers, blog posts, code, open-source projects, talks, or tutorials.
OpenAI is a non-profit artificial intelligence research company. Our goal is to advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole, unconstrained by a need to generate financial return.
Since our research is free from financial obligations, we can better focus on a positive human impact. We believe AI should be an extension of individual human wills and, in the spirit of liberty, as broadly and evenly distributed as possible
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Posté le: Mer 06 Sep 2017 09:26 Sujet du message: Poutine: intelligence artificielle moyen de dominer le monde
pour Vladimir Poutine, l'actuel president de la Russie,l'intelligence artificielle est l'avenir de l'humanite et le pays qui aura le leadership dans ce domaine, sera le maitre du monde.
Posté le: Mer 20 Sep 2017 20:43 Sujet du message: Google DeepMind - Strengthening African Machine Learning
des chercheurs de la societe d'intelligence artificielle: Google-Deepmind aimeraient que les africains s'impliquent plus dans la recherche sur l'intelligence artificielle.
Posté le: Jeu 10 Mai 2018 06:46 Sujet du message: une IA comme assistant qui s'occupe de vos rendez vous
Google presente une Intelligence Artificielle qui vous sert d'assistant personnel, et s'occupe par exemple de maniere independante de vos rendez-vous notes dans votre calendrier.
Suivez le prendre indépendamment rendez vous chez le Coiffeur ou Avec un restaurant
Tres bon Documentaire, qui suit une Equipe de l'entreprise DeepMind engagee a creer une intelligence artificielle qui sera la premiere a battre les meilleurs humains dans le jeux GO, exploit juge jusque la impossible par beaucoup.
AlphaZero une Version amelioree de ce logiciel quelque temps apres, sera imbattable, non seulement dans le jeu de Go mais egalement dans d'autres jeux comme le jeu d'echec, et ce que ce soit par un humain ou par les meilleurs logiciels.
The Deep Learning Indaba exists to celebrate and strengthen machine learning in Africa through state-of-the-art teaching, networking, policy debate, and through our support programmes, such as the IndabaX and the Kambule and Maathai awards. We work towards the vision of Africans becoming critical contributors, owners, and shapers of the coming advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Read the report on the outcomes of the first Indaba 2017 here.
n February 21, 2019, Jeff Hawkins and Subutai Ahmad gave a talk at Microsoft Research in Redmond, Washington about The Thousand Brains Theory of Intelligence and how it can be applied to AI to improve current techniques and move toward truly intelligent systems.
Recent advances in reverse engineering the neocortex reveal that it is a highly-distributed sensory-motor modeling system. Each cortical column learns complete models of observed objects through movement and sensation. The columns use long-range connections to vote on what objects are currently being observed. In this talk, Jeff and Subutai introduce the key elements of this theory and describe how these elements can be introduced into current machine learning techniques to improve their capabilities, robustness, and power requirements.
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n February 21, 2019, Jeff Hawkins and Subutai Ahmad gave a talk at Microsoft Research in Redmond, Washington about The Thousand Brains Theory of Intelligence and how it can be applied to AI to improve current techniques and move toward truly intelligent systems.
Recent advances in reverse engineering the neocortex reveal that it is a highly-distributed sensory-motor modeling system. Each cortical column learns complete models of observed objects through movement and sensation. The columns use long-range connections to vote on what objects are currently being observed. In this talk, Jeff and Subutai introduce the key elements of this theory and describe how these elements can be introduced into current machine learning techniques to improve their capabilities, robustness, and power requirements.
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Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and a co-founder of several other companies. This conversation is part of the Artificial Intelligence podcast. The series includes leading researchers in academia and industry, including CEO's and CTO's of automotive, robotics, AI, and technology companies. See the comments I make in the introduction to this video below in text form.
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This is a bit of a dated recording from a former Numenta employee, Rahul Agarwal. However it has a lot of good information about HTM theory. Some of it is now old and deprecated.
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WATCH LIVE : TESLA Autonomy Day Event . It’s a big week for Tesla, and it’s kicking off with “Autonomy Investor Day” on April 22. Tesla Autonomy Day is on Mon, April 22nd – watch the event Livestream @11am PDT. What is Autonomy Investor Day, you ask? The details are vague, but it’s supposed to be a demonstration that explains and showcases Tesla’s autonomous driving technology. Tesla is holding an event today called ‘Tesla Autonomy Investor Day’ at its headquarters in Palo Alto. Follow along here to get all the details about what is being announced. The automaker claims to be making a lot of progress in developing its fully self-driving software and it plans a ‘deep dive’ to give everyone a deep dive today: “Tesla is making significant progress in the development of its autonomous driving software and hardware, including our FSD computer, which is currently in production and which will enable full-self driving via future over-the-air software updates. With a number of very exciting developments coming in the weeks and months ahead, Tesla will host investors on the morning of April 19th at our headquarters in Palo Alto to provide a deep dive into our self-driving technology and road map.” CEO Elon Musk put it a bit more dramatically when he tweeted earlier this month: “On April 22, Investor Autonomy Day, Tesla will free investors from the tyranny of having to drive their own car.” Tesla will live-stream the event, which is being held at its headquarters in Palo Alto, at 11 a.m. PT at You can also watch it on the Tesla YouTube channel. Later this week, Tesla will report first-quarter earnings (on April 24). The following day is the deadline for Tesla and the Securities and Exchange Commission to report back to a judge on an escalating fight over Musk’s recent tweets, which allegedly violated an agreement between the two parties that was reached last year. Like so many events surrounding Tesla, there is already drama attached to autonomy day. Tesla was granted a temporary restraining order Friday against a short seller and vocal Twitter critic who recently photographed a Model 3 that was being filmed ahead of the autonomy investor day. posted the restraining order, in which Tesla claims Randeep Hothi “stalked, harassed and endangered” employees driving in a Model 3 bearing manufacturer plates and mounted with camera equipment. Tesla claims the individual followed the vehicle for 35 minutes and at one point swerved so close to the vehicle that the side collision avoidance safety feature was triggered. Tesla vehicles are not considered fully autonomous, or Level 4, a designation by SAE that means the car can handle all aspects of driving in certain conditions without human intervention. Instead, Tesla vehicles are “Level 2,” a more advanced driver assistance system than most other vehicles on the road today. Musk has promised that the advanced driver assistance capabilities on Tesla vehicles will continue to improve until eventually reaching that full automation high-water mark. Tesla offers two different advanced driver assistance packages to customers: Autopilot and Full Self-Driving. Autopilot is ADAS that offers a combination of adaptive cruise control and lane steering and is now a standard feature on new cars. The price of vehicles has been adjusted higher to reflect the addition of Autopilot as a standard feature. Full Self-Driving, or FSD, costs an additional $5,000. (And, to be clear, vehicles are not full self-driving driving.) FSD includes Summon as well as Navigate on Autopilot, an active guidance system that navigates a car from a highway on-ramp to off-ramp, including interchanges and making lane changes. Once drivers enter a destination into the navigation system, they can enable “Navigate on Autopilot” for that trip. Tesla continues to improve Navigate on Autopilot and the broader FSD system through over-the-air software updates. The company says on its website that FSD will soon be able to recognize and respond to traffic lights and stop signs and automatically drive on city streets.
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