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Retour à l'article: Les vidéos de la semaine : Racines, expulsions et retour forcé au Mali, identités noires dans Envoyé Spécial
  Les vidéos de la semaine : Racines, expulsions et retour forcé au Mali, identités noires dans Envoyé Spécial
30è anniversaire de Roots, retour au pays après la vie en France, la communauté noire vue par Envoyé spécial
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Les vidéos de la semaine : Racines, expulsions et retour forcé au Mali, identités noires dans Envoyé Spécial

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  L\\\\\\\'identite noire n\\\\\\\'existe pas seule existe le kamo-nubisme!
Bwana K. ( 05/06/2007 19:50 )
À London / United Kingdom

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Manifesto to kamit-nubism

« The revolution will not be televised ». Gil Scott-Heron, GHETTO STYLE. 1970.

Today, two trends emerge in the general wave of consciousness among Afro-descendant people of France. The first whom speech is well touted by French media aims at praising the benefit of an assimilation policy that would break up the long-standing idea that an individual cannot be a Black and a “real” French citizen at the same time. The second, to which I belong, prefers to look for a greater emancipation of these black French people. We vow that the gains to be made through the integration process won’t wipe out our own culture. That’s a tremendous sadness for me to write this article in the language of Shakespeare. Needless to say how many choices the unilateral “anglobalization” does let me. Nevertheless, unlike some so-called “Black literates” , I am very reluctant to write down such a book in whatever european language it is. These money-hungry swindlers can’t simply help misleading themselves in a daily basis. Plus, in the face of our virulence against the leucoderms most editors might be jittery to publish this book.

Challenges to face

“ O my flesh, make me an ever-interrogating man! ”Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Mask. 1952. *

Since the all-hairy leucoderms ( Arabs and Europeans ) have enslaved us, we kept on fighting for our full-fledged liberation. Several milestones have marked this perilous quest for freedom. First of all, with no doubt it is slavery abolition, next African independences and finally the legal ban on racial segregation in the United States of America and apartheid in South Africa. But, now, the fight is not over. Indeed, although the former oppressions came to an end, others much more harmful persist. The ultimate challenge of our people will be to overcome these hurdles that prevent them from embracing human, technical, economical and social development, as well.
If we had to state, in order of priority, which issue we ought to address first, which one will it be? That’s definitely a tough question. Some may say that the major issue is economical and related to the utter poverty in which people survive. Others may say that the major issue is political and has more to do with the lack of democracy in Africa. In the current globalization era, economical issues are most likely at stake. Some evidence suggests that the triumph of capitalism mirrors the collapse of other ideologies. Only the toughest market rules prevail. Given the fact that Africa’s share in global economy dawdles along at 1%, we should keep in mind that nowhere else economical output has to soar than in Africa. Will African countries’ economy thrives without any political willingness to do so? An economical growth will require from policymakers to set up a legal, as well as, an administrative framework. The only way to make it lasts in a steady move is to work on behalf of the main players of this economy, namely the people. Otherwise, the political stability needed in the long haul might weaken and could turn out to be a lethal turmoil. To put it in another way, we could just tell to those who are eager to live in a western-like democracy that economical growth is often tied to a hard-lined management that is not necessarily compatible with basic democratic values. The recent case of CPE in France perfectly illustrates this phenomenon. This is a general trend, which occurs throughout western Europe countries that are grappling with the impending threat of emerging countries such like China or India. By the way, in a democratic perspective, China is absolutely not a role model. But no one can deny that the Dragon is unleashed. In the last past four years, its economical engine was in full service and yielded an annual growth rate higher than 8%. Meanwhile, Euroland’s democracies fluctuated desperately between 0% and 2%. Thanks to unpopular measures, far away from the slightest democratic value, China is likely to become one of the greatest globalized-economy gainers. India, also often considered as a giant-to-be, claims to adopt a more democratic approach but eventually seems to reach similar targets. But the awful situation of untouchables in this country and the departure of the former prime-minister, Sonia Gandhi, due to her Italian origins overshadows a little bit an open democracy that India claims to produce.
Yet, these particular cases show how determining which problems we ought to tackle in priority is far from straightforward. As we mentioned it earlier, globalization is now a matter of fact. Unlike the Kingdom of Spain in the 16th century or England in 19th century, an average-sized country, one that comprises less 100 million people, cannot emerge by its own. In the quarter of a century to come, our goal is to promote a worldwide movement that would gather all African-descendant people. At first glance, this may appear neither useful nor possible since African-descendant people belong to different continents and thereby have different cultures. However, one should reckon that it’s up to us to put an end to the ever-lasting negrophobia, which takes place everywhere black people are a minority group. Although all human beings have their oldest roots in Africa and our ancestors from Egypt have civilized Europe, black people are now considered as being inferior. More likely, leucoderm scientists have wasted their effort trying to prove the so-called white superiority. In spite of the sorry history of phrenology, a study of skull shapes popular in the 19th century and other pseudoscientific techniques that used to categorize black people and American-Indian as inferior, in the eve of the third millennium, some leucoderm scientists were still scrabbling about their dirty jobs with gusto. Richard J. Hernstein and Charles Murray, co-authors of the controversial 1994 best-seller “The Bell Curve”, argued that the lower average performance by African-Americans I.Q. tests had a genetic component and wasn’t solely the result of social factors. In other words, black people might have a specific moronic gene! In September 2005, Bruce Lahn, a professor of genetics at the University of Chicago, stood before a packed lecture hall and reported the results of a new DNA analysis: Eurasian people’s brain show signs of rapid recent evolution whereas African-ascendant people’s don’t. The young Chinese-born researcher believes a small group of anatomically modern human struck out from Africa probably less than 100000 years ago. After arriving on the Eurasian land mass, they had undergone more rapid changes that took the form of genetic mutations affecting the size of the brain, hence their intelligence. Dr. Lahn favors even that these mutations coincided with the development of more refined civilizations. No wonder a Chinese, tough he has a PhD, doesn’t know anything about our history. How could he explain that our ancestors civilized the white men?
If our civilization has lost its mythic lustre as well as its long gone serenity somehow it is yet not ripe for bearing its present situation. Do we really know at what extent we have influenced the tide of the mankind history? Moreover, cultural and biological mixings are by no means only a kamit-nubist phenomenon. Black people often believe that somebody else should be taken as responsible of their entire woes. Actually, there is a kind of auto-rejection mechanism in the black people psyche that latter on they attribute to other people. The pop king Michael Jackson unfortunately illustrates this blatant truth.


Marching orders people

“When the white men came to Africa, we had the land and they had the Bible. They taught us to preys eyes closed: when we open them up, the white men got the land and we got the Bible”. Jomo Kenyatta. *

The lack of unity among the numerous African tribes was a foremost reason that made it easy for Europeans to maraud around our continent, poaching human as well as material resources. A weakness deeply exploited – and often fuelled by our persecutors – is indeed this ocean of discrepancies, which floods the fields of our initiatives. Their leitmotiv has always been to divide us in order to reign on our ashes. We all know it. What on earth can we do to put a lid on that? Several choices could be taken into account. A first may be to keep identifying ourselves to cultural symbols brought to us by civilizations that have an hegemony on us. However, this behaviour might somehow be seen as a particular case of the Stockholm’s syndrome. Furthermore, above losing our own identity, due to the integration of the leucodermisation process, with this choice all we could muster is the worst scorn from our oppressors. The latter intent to maintain us in a complete state of submission. Yet this submission originates in two distinct phenomena. In the first hand, black people are often a minority group and therefore abandoned as preys to the good-will of the majority, mostly white. In the second hand, black people’s cultural values tend to be those imposed by their oppressors and not their own values.
Even if the invasion of Africa created a gloss of brotherhood, that one can still perceive nowadays through the use of a common language or faith, it also has spawned strong antagonisms between once genuinely very close tribes such like Hutus and Tutsi from Rwanda.
In fact, you may be Muslim, Christian, English-speaking, French-speaking, Spanish-speaking, it’s your very negrity that is troublesome. A light-skinned or a mongrel is truly a Kamit-nubian, as long as his lifestyle genuinely fosters the very profound kamit-nubian values. Indeed, he or she will be of a greater help than a coconut as frothy as its speech tinted with burgundy prejudices. Typically, the leucoderms decided to categorize us with (dis)respect to the color of our skin at the expense of our cultures and traditions. That was their choice. But what about our own choice? Which people are we? They say they like black music as if I would say I love yellow movies or white literature. Though many people are considered to be black, some are light-skinned and others are dark-skinned. Not everyone has a black skin. There is definitely something askew.
Likewise, in the early sixties, black American decided to be called African-Americans. Our broad family, which encompasses African-Americans ( North America and Latin America ), African-Caribbeans, African-sub-Saharans, takes its roots in the kamitic Egyptian-Nubian civilization. Here is the occasion to recall the book by the Senegalese scientist Pr. Cheick Anta Diop, “Negro Nations and Cultures”*, whose first edition was published in 1954. In this brilliantly documented book Pr. Diop was able to withstand any kind of scrutiny to bring into light two points that leucoderms have hidden till now: the negro origin of the old Egyptian civilization and the strong links between Egypt ( Kemet ) and the entire Africa. We are the Kamit-Nubian people.
What a pity to stare at the numerous manufactured products that flock from Western countries or Asia to Africa year after year! Above all, what should incense us most is the fact that the greatest chunk of those products are made of raw materials extracted out of the african subsoil. One way to square this circle is for us as kamit-nubians to view ourselves as an undivided people. It’s not to late to foster the prosperity of our own people in the same way as Arabs, Jews, Indians, Chinese or whites keep doing.


The time of sacrifices

“The negritude men instead of cooling their worries through historical circumstances that “elect a nation, a race, a class by suddenly embracing the revolution way”, became harmlessly in the colony the mouths of felony”. Stanislas Spéro Adotevi, Negritude and Negrologists. 1972. *

Still today, the history calls us for a harsh fight to survive. We belong to a sacrificed generation. Till now, we have been talking about the kamit-nubism as if it was a truly tangible subject only to reveal it to some stubborn minds. Those for which, it is just part of the dull fantasies springing to the mind of a handful of negroes that dream of a potentially glorious past. Although we completely disagree with them, we understand their point. We even grant them their skeptic view over our relentless calls to our people to wake up their minds. Moreover, the feeling of belonging to one family of people has grown slowly following the repeated aggressions from our oppressors. As we have seen it earlier the kamit-nubian matrix is a pool of energy that incumbents so much diversities.
This energy has to be channeled to preserve our interests in any circumstances. Our strength will surely be to focus on the primacy of our common interests. Each Kamit-nubian should learn how to participate to this wake-up and bring a useful stone to build the whole movement. Here is the sacrifices time. African-American were coerced to do so though their ancestors used to speak different languages and came from foe empires. Yet now the Kamit-nubians would appear to face a fork in their chosen road. At stake is nothing else than our future. By missing to fulfill this kind of duty, a civilization such as the American-Indians’ was scoured of the map. Obviously, our entire elimination, in the physical form, remains irrelevant, so far. However, one cannot stay calm after reading the probe by the British journalist, Edward Hooper, ( “The River: A journey to the Source of VIH/AIDS” , published in 1999), in which you can see the Western countries’ plot to elaborate a bacteriological weapon for the eradication of the Central Africa people in the 50’s. Their dreadful plan will spawn the HIV virus that squeezes African people.
On the cultural side, the threat is as much real and even stifling like a snake. Shall we only realize it! Although, we all worry about the struggle we have to go through, more likely against ourselves, concrete solutions are still scarce. While considering the problems we have to overcome relentlessly growing, simple minds might be tempted to throw in the towel. Moreover, they keep kowtowing to their master’s hypersensitivity, in the pale hope of biting the bone that the latter holds in his hand. This kind of bone is for instance, the nomination of the spouse of a punk Gaelic actor by the old witch of Windsor as the honorific governor of the lands stolen from Iroquoians. Unlike Michael Jean, Roger Fergusson, 54, a straight up kamit-nubian, used to run for a title far from being honorific: Head of the Federal Reserve. After her compelling success in the Chilean presidential elections, Michelle Bachelet welcomed Segolene Royal, who came straight out of Jarnac. The next potentially president heeded the fact that Mrs. Bachelet was not only a French-ascendant Chilean but also a fellow socialist. The kamit-nubist movements should work together throughout the world. Not only to try desperately to grab some vacant seats in leucoderms’ political assembly but also to build strong and thriving businesses. Blacks are not the only ones who get discriminated in Europe. However, are they eager to sweat away on the treadmill like indian or chinese communities? Instead of complaining every time about racial discrimination we must think beyond the scope of the European Union project and consistently reminisce where we came from. So does any other minority group that lives in Europe.
Its offspring will no longer get neglected as if they were anonymous orphans when Africa, their mother, will get back the respect She deserves as the cradle of the mankind, the lug of the earth, an endless source of fecundity.


What to say as a conclusion? In the time of globalization and in the face of the difficulties we chronically have to go through, the condition of the black French people should be analyzed at the more global light of the condition of Black people on this earth. We certainly have not finished to undergo the side effects of the leucodermic domination, which has ruthlessly shaken our civilization. Thereby, we don’t love each other as we should. Thus we are still not able to clearly identify which values we ought to foster. However, there is such a vacuum in this world misled by the decadence of a postmodern western civilization. This vacuum, which kamit-nubism might fill in is very well depicted in the latest novel by Michel Houellebecq, “The Possibility of an Island”, published in 2005. Western civilization is marked by recurring hypocrisy, an ever-increasing individualism, a dearth of morality and a strident arrogance. This civilization couldn’t help producing anything better than racism, green house effect, nuclear weapons among others scourges that lethally threat to eradicate any form of life on earth. The contrast with the kamit-nubian world is startling. Yet kamit-nubism might help us to harness our own revival drive for the sake of the mankind.

*Translations are not guaranteed to match neither the exact meaning nor the intent of their original authors.
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  Video nuancé
olmeque ( 07/06/2007 22:56 )
À Montreal / Canada

ça commence plus tot pas mal, je suis malien, et à mon avis la 1ere video est plus tot realiste et correcte. dans la 2eme ça se gate verocement quand les jeunes commencent à dire nous ne sommes pas noirs, nous sommes des francais d'origines africaines...ou antillaises...biensur le bon boulot de la video ne pouvait pas durer: le but de cette emission tres ecouté n'est pas de presenter les bons petits noirs ou d'expliquer que certains sont coincés et que dans leur ignorance ils ne comprennent pas que la France ce sera dure. Non, le but est de montrer:
-que les noirs ne sont pas unis de toute façon, donc quoi qu'il leur arrive c'est un peu eux...
- que de toute façon ils ne sont pas tous pareilles, comme cela on va surtout éviter toute tentative des noirs de se tenir la main contre forcement nous les blancs...
-au passage on allume Dieudo, parce qu'il a montré des lobbys et des comportements qu'il n'est pas necessaire d'exposer sur la place publique et que pendant un moment il nous à fait flipper parce que y avait plein de noirs derriere lui, contre qui encore...Bref ça pu, la France a peur d'une revolte. Ok, je comprends, ON NE VEUT PAS QUE VOUS PUISSIEZ AVOIR QUELQUE CHOSE À DIRE qui differe de ce que eux on à dire. Ca pu quand meme on dirait que vraiment rien aux heures de grandes ecoute ne peut etre honnete, sincere...desfois je me demande tres sincerement si elle vous aime et j'ai vraiment l'impression que Vous Noirs qui avez conscience de ce que vous etes ,elle ou bien ceux qui maitrise l'info, ne vous veulent pas du bien. Et ça me fait mal,réellement mal, probablement parce que j'ai toujours esperé qu'il y avait beaucoup d'ignorance, mais non il faut se resoudre...votre epanouissement c'est SON PROBLEME et pas dans le sens que vous penser!!!!
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  shit un peu d'histoire
malckom ( 09/06/2007 13:26 )
À Mantes-la-jolie / France

être ou ne pas être c'est encore être... je le suis et je le revendique haut et fort mes racines Africaines... l'histoire est encore occulté dans toute sa splendeure Qui se souvient de cette date? 1804 ou bien du premier homme Universel TOUSSAINT dit L'Ouverture. Pas grand monde à vrai dire, il a été le Père fondateur de l'abolition de l'esclavage 44 ans plus tôt... merci a lui et l'engagement du peuple Haitien qui ont oeuvré à briser les chaines pour devenir des hommes libres et fiers de l'être.
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