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Retour à l'article: Décès de la comédienne martiniquaise Jenny Alpha
  Décès de la comédienne martiniquaise Jenny Alpha
L’artiste est décédée ce mercredi 8 septembre à Paris. Elle avait fêté ses 100 ans cette année
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Décès de la comédienne martiniquaise Jenny Alpha

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Pages:  1  

Modérateur Grioo ( 09/09/2010 14:46 )
À Stains / France

C'est noté. Nous avons corrigé dans l'article. Merci pour la précision

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ais ( 09/09/2010 17:47 )
À Le Bouscat / France

mais merde je ne connais rien de cette dame...elle est morte de quoi?
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  Ais; elle morte à 100 ans!! devine!!
Bisou ( 09/09/2010 19:16 )
À York / Canada

de quoi penses-tu qu'elle est morte..? d'un accident au travail! crétin..

elle est agee.. c'est le temps de partir c'est tout..!!
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Z ( 09/09/2010 20:56 )
À Montreal / Canada

Connais pas cette dame mais je souhaite que dieu lui donne des ailes.
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( 10/09/2010 09:52 )
À / France

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nyoka ( 10/09/2010 11:42 )
À Paris / France

Je n'est pas connu cette grande Dame. Que la terre lui soit légère. Ils auront beaucoup de choses à se raconter avec Aimé Césaire, Senghor, ...
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  ais de retour
ais ( 10/09/2010 15:31 )
À Le Bouscat / France

crétine elle est morte d'un bisou c'est évident, non mais...
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( 12/09/2010 18:14 )
À Cité / France

La "presse blanche" française n'en a évidemment pas parler ,c'est bien la preuve que les Antillais ne sont pas considérés comme des Français.
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  Fausse information
MEUNIER ( 12/09/2010 19:34 )
À Dreux / France

La famille se montre choquée et dément l'information concernant la date et le lieu des obsèques.
Jenny ne sera pas enterrée au Père Lachaise et la cérémonie n'aura pas lieu samedi 11 septembre.
Information à faire suivre.
Jean-Pierre Meunier
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  Madame la Juge Blanche: Cherche Homme noir pour la Baise
Bisou ( 13/09/2010 20:25 )
À Etobicoke / Canada

bien Fait!! Alex Chapman..

Enfin un homme Noir qui s'est fait respecter: ENFIN

Winnipeg judge embroiled in sex scandal

Alex Chapman (right) says he was going through a divorce when his lawyer Jack King started pressuring him to have sex with his wife, Lori Douglas (left). (Ross Romaniuk and Marcel Cretain, QMI Agency photos) WINNIPEG - A prominent Winnipeg judge and her lawyer husband are at the centre of a lurid sex scandal, accused of harassing a black client to have sex with her.

"It made me sick to my stomach, like I'm living in a country with no integrity," Alex Chapman said Tuesday.

Chapman says he was going through a messy divorce in April 2003 when his lawyer, Jack King, started pressuring him to have sex with his wife, Lori Douglas.

At the time, both King and Douglas were lawyers with Thompson, Dorfman, Sweatman. Today, Douglas is an associate chief judge in the family division of the Court of Queen's Bench.

Chapman alleges King broached the subject over lunch, urging Chapman to visit a website called, a website devoted to linking up white women with black men for sex.

"Over the next month, he tortured me to visit the website and have sex with his wife," Chapman said.

Chapman said King took advantage of his weakened psychological state. At the time, he said he was having immigration troubles, was the victim of identity theft and had an ailing father in Trinidad.

"I was scared he would botch my case," Chapman said. "I played along. I didn't have money to pay another lawyer."

An ad posted on at the time and purported to have been written by King reads: "Make her a slut for total black domination, from public display to large group f---ed by gangs of young black men."

The ad featured several nude pictures of Douglas.

King e-mailed him numerous nude pictures of Douglas, including domination poses and sex toys and oral sex acts, Chapman said.

Chapman said he met King and Douglas a number of times for lunch, during which King purposely left the two alone.

An e-mail dated May 27, 2003, purported to be written by King, reads: "Alex, I think she certainly likes you ... What do you think of the pics?"

Chapman said he put King off until the conclusion of his divorce case, then hired a lawyer "to make him go away."

Chapman was paid $25,000 and signed a confidentiality agreement which included a promise to destroy all correspondence and pictures he received from King.

But Chapman didn't destroy the pictures and e-mails and in July filed a complaint with the Manitoba Law Society and Canadian Judicial Council.

"I was living in fear for seven years," said Chapman, who continues to see a psychologist. "It's important that this matter never happen to anyone else.

I want closure. This should never have happened."

King is no longer with Thompson Dorfman Sweatman. The firm later sent a letter to Chapman, informing him it was now a limited liability partnership and not financially responsible for the misdeeds of its individual members.

Chapman said Douglas should step down from the bench.

"She should not be a judge," he said. "She has no integrity at all. She was a partner in the law firm."

Chapman said the couple treated him like a stereotype -- good only for sex and sports.

"We don't have brains to them," he said.

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( 14/09/2010 00:14 )
À Dourdan / France

Le sujet de cet article parle du personne qui vient de décéder ,tu aurais pu éviter de poster ton sujet ici.
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Nombre de messages
:  11
Pages:  1  
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